Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Let Me Die Laughing

Today my boss shared an experience he had last night. While taking his sister to Amtrax late last night, they noticed a man who seemed a little anxious. He was by himself, appeared disheveled, had no luggage and seemed to be waiting for the train.

When the train arrived, he approached the platform of the train and in a brief moment with no one watching, he jumped between two of the trains cars and died.

What was this man's story? What caused him to commit suicide? Despair? Depression? Mental illness? Loneliness?

I recently read a poem called "Let Me Die Laughing" by Mark Morrison-Reed

"We are all dying, our lives always moving toward completion.
We need to learn to live with death, and to understand that death is not the worst of all events.
We need to fear not death, but life-
Empty lives,
Loveless lives,
Lives that do not build upon the gifts that each of us has been given.
Lives that are like living deaths.
Lives which we never take the time to savor and appreciate.
Lives in which we never pause to breathe deeply.
What we need to fear is not death, but squandering the lives we have been miraculously given.
So let me die laughing, savoring life's crazy moments. Let me die holding the hand of the one I love, and recalling that I did what I could. But today, just remind me that I am dying, so that I can live, savor and love with all my heart."

Life is a gift! Live with intention & purpose. Make a difference. Give of yourself. Make sure those who mean the most to you, know you love them because you say it and show it. Don't get lost or distracted by things that just don't matter.

I continue to be inspired by Jason - his appreciation for the life that he has, his family & friends and his determination to live his life the very best he can. Jason, may our Heavenly Father's love continue to radiate from you & your beautiful wife Steph!

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