Sunday, November 16, 2008

An Honor to Serve

At a time when people are concerned about the economy and where our country is headed, I am impressed by the people I come across that are generous and humble and eager to give back.

Yesterday, while purchasing fabric for our "Little Piece of Heaven's", I shared Jason's story of courage, strength and charity and they offered to provide the fabric at 50% off.

I have had others request to purchase & offer a generous donation for the items for family members or friends who are either hospital bound or struggling, who feel that these items may provide comfort and inspiration to those they care about.

What an honor it is to serve!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I think it is so amazing what you have put together. I had the opportunity to see these items, and they are so cute and a perfect way to share his message. Thanks to you and all the others helping out in this remarkable project and for sharing your talents and service!