Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ronald McDonald House Delivery

For Valentines Day, my husband & I delivered 10 dogs to the Ronald McDonald House in Salt Lake. They have three homes and they provide housing to families with sick children. We've asked that these dogs be given to the siblings of the patients. The ones who are shuffled back and forth between the hospital and the RM House as parents struggle to attend to their sick child's needs.

Information on the Ronald McDonald House

Few medical crises are more devastating or frightening than a child with a life-threatening disease or an unexpected injury or illness. Few situations place greater stress on parents and families. And while tremendous advances have been made in treating seriously ill children, the families’ financial and emotional burdens remain. The Ronald McDonald House was created to help ease some of these burdens and is the only charity of its kind in our region.

Without Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Intermountain Area, many families would have nowhere to turn. The Salt Lake Ronald McDonald House is the cornerstone of our organization, providing a home-away-from-home for more than 1,700 families annually while their children are being treated at Primary Children’s Medical Center, Shriner’s Hospital, University of Utah Medical Center or LDS Hospital.

The Ronald McDonald House is a home for forty-five families each night. . .a place where they can break away from the hospital, yet be available at a moment’s notice. . .or a place where children being treated as out-patients can live with their parents, brothers and sisters. Just as important, it is a place where parents can meet and talk with other families who are experiencing some of the same fears and concerns, and establish a mutual support system so critically needed at this time.

Since our opening in 1988, we have served 30,000 families from all over the world. The cost of housing families is approximately $60 per night. Families are asked to share in the cost of their stay by contributing $10 per night; however, their extensive medical expenses often preclude even this modest amount. No family is turned away because of an inability to pay.

Simple contributions:
  • Pop Tabs - they collect only the tabs because they are small and easily stored. Unlike the can, tabs are paint-free, which increases their value and profit in the recycling process.
  • Inactive Cell Phones
  • Wish List Items (
  • Provide dinners
Check out additional details on ways to support the Ronald McDonald House.
Feel the JOY in giving!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Thank you for sharing this information. What a wonderful charity, The Ronald McDonald House, to accommodate the families whose children are in the hospital. There are so many people who are ill, hurting, helpless, scared or alone and I am so inspired and so grateful for you and all of the people who have contributed to sending "hope and comfort". It is all about uplifting and helping one another.
I love the blog and all of the is truly uplifting and inspiring.