Saturday, January 31, 2009

Delivering person at a time!

It's been a busy couple of weeks. We've delivered many blankets & dogs. Here's the rundown...
  • Blanket being sent to Canada to a woman diagnosed with two different types of cancer. (Delivered by Erica)

  • Blanket being sent to California to a man who has terminal cancer -- hoping the blanket makes it on time and can provide some comfort in his last days. (Delivered by Jenna)

  • Blanket & dog provided to a women just put on oxygen because of her heart condition. (Delivered by Stephanie)

  • Blanket & dog for an 18 year old young women suffering from clinical depression --tried to kill herself and spent a few days in the adult psych ward. (Delivered by Annette)

  • Blanket for her mother who cried nights for her daughter, praying for "angels to watch over her daughter". (Delivered by Annette)

  • Blanket delivered to Larry Miller, owner of the Jazz who had both legs amputate 6" below the knee. (Delivered by Nancy)

  • Dog delivered to a toddler who is very sick but doctors have not yet been able to diagnose. (Delivered by Jenny)

  • 3 dogs & 6 blankets delivered to LDS Family Services for young women who choose to place their babies for adoption. (Delivered by Judy)

  • 1 blanket being delivered to Idaho to a young women who recently had a baby and then was diagnosed with cancer. (Delivered by Ashley)

What I know for sure...there is a lot of pain and suffering in this world. However, that provides others incredible opportunities to reach out and offer a little "hope & comfort".

Join us in delivering these gifts. You'll feel the joy!


ash said...

Judy- I can't even begin to tell you how amazing you are for all you have done! It is truly so great to check on your blog and see how much can be done and how many people can be helped by each of us 'paying it forward' a bit b/c of an experience or person we know. I am so humbled! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I am looking forward to delivering a GIFT OF COMFORT to a dear friend of mine in Boise tomorrow. She has struggled to have children, (going through in vetro about a dozen times now) and sadly, she miscarried yesterday at 12 weeks along. It will be much appreciated, and I will follow up with her response. Thank you!

ash said...

The other GIFT OF HOPE AND COMFORT is going to my sweet friend who had a premature baby approx. 3 months ago, after being on bed rest since week 14. She struggles with some heart problems as it is, and 2 weeks after giving birth she was diagnosed with uterine cancer. She is cancer free today, but continues to be tested monthly. I know this will be dear to her heart, and I will give an update :)

Thanks again Judy!